
The Canola Process

Harvest I Milling & Extraction I Refinement I Quality Control I Quality Assurance I Delivery


The majority of seed is harvested in the Riverina Region. It’s then brought to our facility where it is cleaned & separated from admix.

Expeller Pressing & Extraction

The seed is heated to approx. 80°C & runs through a flaker.
This presses the seed flat & increases the surface area for maximum oil recovery.
The flakes are then run through a secondary heating process (approx. 108°C).
This helps increase the viscosity of the oil, encouraging it to come to the surface
and making it easier to expel the oil in the 800 Tonne press.


The crude oil is processed to remove impurities and volatile components through an optimized refining processes ensures optimal taste, aroma, stability, appearance and nutritional value of the final product.

Quality Control

Samples are tested in the lab and processes adjusted accordingly to ensure specifications are met.

Quality Assurance

Samples of the final product are taken and tested to ensure it meets the highest food safety standards.


The oil is loaded into bladders, IBCs or road tankers for our export markets and domestic customers.

Why Riverina Natural Oils

Our Facility

State-of-the-art fully-integrated oilseed
crushing and refining plant.

Strategically Located
in the Riverina Region

Ensuring fresh oil every delivery.

Suitable For Your Industry

We cater for bulk, foodservice
and farming industries.

100% Australian Grown

Our seed is locally sourced.